Friday, January 1, 2010

Sarcasm Rules!!!

It indeed does. When you don't want to make a person feel bad, yet wanna put across your "comment", then its sarcasm that comes to your rescue. Although it is inherent in me, as my Granny uses it and so does my Paa, yet i cultivated the skills to use it more often. I think being Sarcastic makes you intelligent of sorts. Its a talent actually. A right blend of words, accent, tone and other tit-bits together make a complete package thats simply great!!!

Since childhood, i m kinda meek...and i use to easily take negative comments made on me and usually felt bad for it. Then as i grew up, i took the habit of attacking people when they commented, which worked against me. It was then that my sister taught me the art of Sarcasm. I honed it easily. Now they think twice before making absurd comments as the Deadly Weapon of Sarcasm will make their waging tongues bleed. How i love to see their pale faces as their is not much left to argue after a incy wincy sarcastic answer!!!

I also love being sarcastic cause you can easily back out when you are attacked after making it. Ah!! i didn't mean this buddy!!! and all sweet craps. The real problem lies when people don't understand the sarcasm at all. They continue being their usual self with no chance of improving in the near future. Yes!! you got it right. It usually happens with me, when people dont get my comment, esp. the new acquaintances. I have a habit of cracking sarcastic jokes, which fall flat on the faces with no expressions returned. And by the time, you explain your joke, it has lost all meaning. Or other times, they say that they knew what it meant, but were ignoring it anyways (i know guys, they wont accept it) Sometimes, my oldies who know my sarcasm explain the new ones...Arrey, she has a habit of being sarcastic. What do i say then?? i just smile and curse myself for using it!!!

But beware!!! sarcasm can also spoil your relations. As once understood, your friends will not take you very positively and will always doubt whether whatever you said is in right spirit or the other way round!! As sarcasm gives you ready answers and also are not considered to be perfect company - a person who listens. (Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut, tightly i mean). My Maa warns me if i use it, her idea being it wont be accepted at your in-laws place (But i think this would be the only weapon, i will be allowed to use there)

Nevertheless, Mr. Sarcasm is only good when you use it sometimes and that too in cases to defend yourselves. And in case, you are bubbling with it, start selling them or train people, how to use it effectively (of course by charging those good at heart morons)!!!

“Honesty is the best policy -- when there is money in it.”