Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Beyond Imagination..

If the sky were my canvass
I would paint it with colors of my life

If my thoughts were threads of silk
I would weave rich patterns into my dreams

If the seas were my emotions
I would fill the cup that freindship cradles

If the stars were my ideas
I would light up the lives of everyone around

If the sun was my ally
I would spread the warmth of happiness to the end of time

If the wind were my wishes
I would spread the fragrance of kindness in the air

If flowers lent their smiles to me
I could wipe the last of sorrows trace

If the moon gave me its silver shine
I could bring a shimmer of hope in all lives

If my fancy could take off, of the wings of a bird
I could bridge the gap that divides the world

If time were by my side
I would make lives not longer,

but richer with feelings, genuine and true...
