A couple is dating since three years and there comes a she-friend in boy's life. Both of them are just good friends since 5 years. Now the girl starts getting possessive about her boyfriend and warned her not to talk to him.
A married couple's life. Husband continually spies on his better half even though he knows that she would never cheat on him. The wife in this case has severed contacts with all her friends, whether male or female, but the spying continues.
I am not able to understand why dont people trust their better halves. The scene is that in the initial stage of dating, this behaviour by the person is not revealed. this is known only when they have been in a relationship for a year or more. According to me, as and when relationship matures, your faith on her/him should also mature. But nowadays, there's a trend relations break because of mistrust. People get into relations very early and by the time the actual time comes to think seriously about it, you start doubting about your future togather. In the first, both the boyfriend and her friend got an emotional spanking and their best buddie relations soured. Even now, in this age, people don't accept male-female friendship. He and she can be either spouse or siblings. Why doesn't the herd mentality move ahead? Why don't people accept such friendship?
I have seen high school atmosphere. Your friend and others starts spying on you and tease you with your buddy. And "just friendship" transforms into serious relationship. This way you get hooked on to someone whom you can take on just as buddy. And the relationship breaks when no one can carry it further.
Oh my God!! I have diverted from the topic. I come back to Possesiveness again. And on this I would just like to say that even Radha doubted Sri Krisna when he danced with Gopis but Radha didnt warn Gopis to stop talkin to Sri Krisna but else they had some mutual understanding which strengthened their bond with each fling of Krisnaji.
Trust the person you love, as
Trust and love are like hammer and anvil, like rainbow and sunshine, like flower and scent...each cannot exist without other.
Trust is like a lubricating oil for any relationship...
Trust and love are friends right from the time they were born, and still their bond is growing strong inspite of jealousy trying all means to ruin their friendship!!!