A hug delights and warms and charms,that must be why God gave us arms.
I am not playing on words, hug is what you need when you don't get what you want.
Even if your ex-boyfriend ( n girlfriend for boys) is dumping you, if s/he bids u a farewel with a sweet warm hug, you feel as if you are on the seventh heaven.
Your friend isn't on good terms with u and you need her eagerly then just go and hug her and in a jiffy, you will receive all the smiles which u needed.
I am not playing sanjay dutt aka munnabhai but giving my blog readers some gyaan on the "ART OF TOUCH".Whenever I want to show "I care" I touch the person's hand with a feeling that s/he will try to understand me. Making someone seem special is not only about words and sending sweet caring sms but to make a soft corner for yourself in their hearts, and there's no way better than holding thier hands and say "I am there for you".
A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange, in other words, a hug is a handshake from the heart.
A hug is an universal language. When you don't have words to say, just give awarm hug n thother person will understand your feelings. I am an opportunity hugger, I don't discriminate while hugging. Don't Forget that you find heaven in your mother's hug....I will not bore u more and end by giving all of u a warm virtual hug.